Don’t miss the Gonzales Garden Club’s annual floral exhibit and presentation.
Members of the Gonzales Garden Club will present a workshop exploring basic gardening tips. Gardeners will demonstrate floral design techniques and discuss ways to become a better gardener.
This workshop is being held in conjunction with the club’s annual spring exhibit, Garden Inspiration. The exhibit includes floral designs, horticulture specimens, and container plants. The beautiful, unique garden designs will be displayed from Wednesday, April 2, through Friday, April 4, during normal library hours. You can also vote for your favorite floral design, horticulture specimen, and container plant for the Gonzales Garden Club People’s Choice Awards.
Our Gonzales location was built in 1980 under the direction of Earline Decoteau, Director and serves as our Main Library location. It was expanded & renovated in 1996, 1998, and 2011, under the direction of Angelle Deshautelles, Director.